Photo of With all my heart!

Just last week, a friend texted me and asked me, “What are 3 – 5 books that have had an impact on your life?” This was difficult as someone who absolutely loves to read – I mean, LOVES to read. And while I know there are more than just 5, I did eventually reply, “In addition to the Bible, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, Praying the Bible by Donald Whitney, Finishing Strong by Steve Farrar, and Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala.”

When I got back to the office, I pulled each title and took a moment to read through any pages I may have earmarked and any notes I may have made.

As I skimmed through Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire, I found myself incredibly challenged. Allow me to share a portion of what he shares toward the conclusion:

… far too few people today are experiencing the living Christ in their lives. We are not seeing God’s visitation in our gatherings. We are not on the lookout for His outstretched hand.

If the Holy Spirit is not given an opening among us, if His work is not welcomed, if we are afraid of what He might do …

I must be honest and tell you that I live with an almost constant sense of failure. When I think of what God could do for all the needs of this city (Jim pastors the Brooklyn Tabernacle in New York City) and how little we are accomplishing, it makes me passionate to seek God’s intervention in even more powerful ways.

Shouldn’t we expect to see Him work with power in our lives here and now? Shouldn’t we implore Him to manifest Himself? Moses did. Joshua did. Elijah did. Peter did. Paul did. Shouldn’t we?

God will manifest Himself in direct proportion to our passion for Him. The principle He laid down long ago is still true: You will seek Me and find me when you seek Me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:13)

With all my heart!