You can do more than pray after you have prayed, but you cannot do more than pray until you have prayed. Pray often, for prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a scourge to Satan.
John Bunyan
This time last year, as our staff team worked on the budget, we determined to invest resources into a new line item entitled Confidence, an intentional, increased focus on the safety and well-being of those on our campus whenever we gather.
With that, each and every Sunday, as well as numerous other occasions throughout the calendar, we try to have an officer from the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office present, joining a rotating team of individuals from our own faith family who willingly give of their time to see that our campus is a safe place for all of us – but in particular, our children and our students.
Church family, weeks like this past one cause numerous emotions to rise within us… anger, pain, sorrow… I was especially moved when I read the thoughts of one of the pastors at Covenant Presbyterian Church:
Our Lord still sits on His throne.
He still hates wickedness.
He is near to the broken-hearted and one day, all of this will be put to a beautiful end.
Until then,
His mercy never fails
and joins His tears with ours.
I was also reminded of Paul’s words to the Ephesians… chapter 6, verses 10 – 20. His instructions on spiritual warfare, the armor of God, and prayer.
As you take time to read the passage in its entirety, notice the integral part prayer plays in the battle plan. An offensive weapon against the enemy’s schemes. Notice also the last thing Paul mentions in that passage… Pray that I might be bold enough to speak about it (the Gospel) as I should. Boldness. Confidence.
As we continue to lift up those in Nashville impacted by this horrific tragedy, may we also remain steadfast and vigilant… in prayer first, and then – as we are led by the Holy Spirit – in action, to be and do all that He has called us to be and do.
Additionally, as you’re in prayer, offer a word of thanks to the officers and our own Confidence Team for the ways they serve us each week. May their presence never be fully necessary.