Today is set aside to recognize those men who impacted our lives. They may be our natural fathers, adopted fathers, or men who stood alongside us in life’s many twists and
turns. This day is hard for some and celebratory for others. I was fortunate to have a good father. He was a construction worker, an alcoholic, and had an eighth-grade education. Most importantly, he loved me unconditionally, which gave me a strong dose of self-esteem! And because I introduced him to Jesus, I’ll get to see him again.
Today is my last Sunday worshiping with you as an FBI staff member. From the day I arrived here in July 2020 until today, I’ve been privileged to see God at work in many ways up close and personal. I’ve seen God at work in individual lives and in our church. I will continue some of my current assignments as a contract worker and make trips back here as needed and sometimes to see what God continues to do here. I’m honored and privileged that God invited me here to join Him in His work.
I’m also honored that He allowed me to work alongside our pastor and my dear friend, Jonathan Key. I’m so proud of the man, son, husband, father, pastor, confidant, and servant he has become and is becoming. It’s a treasure to be with and love his family. I’m grateful for the experiences and opportunities to know each of you, to love and serve alongside you, to rejoice in your victories, and to hug, carry, cry, and pray for you in your life journeys.
I am most grateful to my Heavenly Father, who made, gifted, and used me to share the Good News about Jesus in so many places globally. I’m honored to be His daughter. Every day is Father’s Day when you are a child of God.
I love you all and will see you soon!
Karen McGuire