Chapter 20 describes the climax of the conflict between Jesus and the religious leaders. The entire religious establishment of Israel is gathering to confront the carpenter from Galilee. …
When you look on their website, it says the following: WinShape creates next-level camps that turn summers into meaningful experiences for campers and families. Camp is the place …
Young people will be discipled. They will either be discipled by social media, celebrities, unhealthy ideologies, false beliefs, etc… OR They can be discipled by their parents, church, …
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In November 1998, I joined the staff at Johnson Ferry Baptist Church in Marietta, Georgia, as the Worship and Music Associate. My primary responsibilities would include working with …
I’m especially grateful this morning to Zac, our Minister to Students, for wrapping up our series looking at John, The Baptizer. As he does so, allow me to …
Just south of Peoria, Illinois is a little village in Tazewell County called Hopedale. If you’ve never heard of it, don’t be surprised.According to the 2020 Census, its …
Several years ago, Julie and I were afforded the incredible privilege of visiting Israel with a group from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (NOBTS). The trip was part …