Start the Party!
When I think of our week together during VBS I can’t help but get excited about all the ways I saw God move! From the weather, to the volunteers, to the amazing kitchen team, to the hundreds of kids who came through our church doors! God was here!!
Every day we prayed for sun! From 8:30 -12:30 we needed good weather! The weather reports told us a different story! But every day, we had sun! God is Good! Each day our volunteers showed up excited for what God had in store for us! They were loving, excited, encouraging, and ready to share the love of Christ with the kids in their group! Even when we had volunteers who
couldn’t make it, more showed up! We were never in need!
God is Good!
I stood on stage and watched as hundreds of families came through our front doors, I was amazed that we had a place for each child! They were happy, they were excited, they were LOUD, and they heard the powerful message of all Jesus did for them. They can be a part of His family! They are invited to the Party!
God is Good!
As I walked the halls of building 4 on Thursday, every inch of our campus was full! Kids were praying with leaders, asking questions, and seeking understanding. It was a beautiful picture of why we do VBS. Lives were changed!
God is Good!
Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for showing up. Thank you for serving. Thank you for sharing Jesus with our community! Thank you for being Jesus to our community!
God is Good!
The real party has just begun!
— Leslie Myers
Minister to Children and Families