In this chapter, we encounter miraculous demonstrations of Jesus’ compassion and authority. It opens with the healing of the centurion’s servant, showcasing the faith of a Gentile who understands Jesus’ authority— “Just say the word, and my servant will be healed.” This is a glimpse of how faith in God transcends cultural boundaries and invites us to trust in Jesus’ power and authority, regardless of our background or circumstance. We witness a funeral procession for a widow’s only son. Moved by her grief, Jesus tells her not to weep and, with a simple command, to “arise!” Jesus restores life to the dead young man. This act reveals His compassion and His authority over death itself. Even in our darkest moments, Jesus sees our pain and has the power to bring life and hope where there seems to be none. Next, we see the imprisoned John the Baptist, who sent his disciples to ask Jesus if He was the one to come or if they should expect someone else. Jesus responds not directly but by pointing to His works: the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the poor hear good news. Jesus testifies of Himself, His presence bringing transformation and fulfillment of God’s promises.
Finally, we meet a woman who is acutely aware of the depth of her sins and the loving forgiveness and acceptance Jesus offers. Demonstrating her deep remorse and love, she quietly enters a Pharisee’s home where Jesus was a guest, washes His feet with her tears and expensive oil, and dries them with her hair. Jesus shares a parable with his host, Simon the Pharisee, and contrasts her actions with his indifference. He tells the woman a message each can receive, “Your sins are forgiven, your faith has saved you; go in peace.”
Remember, Jesus is compassionate and powerful. He invites our faith, meets us in our grief, assures us that He is the Messiah who brings hope and healing, and forgives and restores us when we approach Him with humility and repentance. May we also approach Him with the confidence of the centurion, the vulnerability of the widow, the curiosity of John the Baptist, and the humility of the woman who washed His feet, knowing that He can respond to our deepest needs no matter who we are, or where we come from.
Prayer Prompts:
- Ask God to show you the time(s) He has shown you compassion and forgiveness. Make a list, and thank Him for it.
- Read Psalm 33:20-22 – Tell God what you are trusting Him for.
- Ask Him to show you how His faithful love rests on you and how you can put your hope in Him.