Photo of 21 Days of Prayer, Devotion 17, Luke 19

On his way through Jericho to Jerusalem, Jesus encountered Zacchaeus, a rich publican and tax collector whom his countrymen did not like. He was charged with collecting much-hated taxes from a despised Roman government. He was also able to keep extra money for himself from the tax collections. Plus, he enjoyed his position as chief tax collector.

At first glance, one might think he had it pretty good (perhaps like us in many ways), not needing anything else materially or otherwise in his life. Yet something compelling prompted him to seek out Jesus. Maybe he heard about Him on the street or even in his home.

Zacchaeus heard that Jesus would pass by, but we are not told how he knew about it. Fearing that he would miss seeing Jesus since he was so short, he found a sycamore tree and climbed up to see Jesus better. He exerted great effort to see Jesus. How much effort do we expend in seeking God?

He sought to encounter the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords as we should today. God first loved us and welcomed us joyfully. The choice is ours in how we respond. The Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins and directs us to Jesus for forgiveness and restoration.

Jesus sees Zacchaeus in the tree and commands him to come down. He obeys God’s commands, and as a further surprise, Jesus says he will stay at Zacchaeus’ house. This confounds many people, as Jesus “has gone to be a guest with a man who is a sinner.” We should be eternally grateful that Jesus seeks sinners out.

Zacchaeus realized he was a sinner by cheating the poor and others and needed a savior. He repented of his sins and was transformed and convicted enough to repay people many times the amount he had cheated. Jesus accepted Zacchaeus and said, “Salvation has come to this house.”

Scripture says that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So, this offer of salvation is available to us today. We accept/believe in Jesus, confess our sins, repent of them, and ask for forgiveness, and Jesus enters our hearts for a transformed life and future.

Prayer Prompts:

  • Confess the void in your life and seek Jesus to complete it
  • Thank God for your personal, saving encounter with Jesus
  • Praise Him that you will live eternally with Him.