Photo of 21 Days of Prayer, Devotion 16, Luke 18

Luke 18, particularly verses 1-8, is a parable about the importance of persistent prayer, emphasizing that we should never give up asking God for what we need, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Jesus draws a comparison to a persistent widow who eventually receives justice from an unjust judge. The key message is that if an unrighteous judge eventually gives in to a persistent plea, God, who is righteous and just, will certainly hear and answer the prayers of His faithful followers who never stop asking persistently in prayer, in seeking justice, and with resilience in everything we do.

Another meaningful point was humility. Jesus created this parable to make a point: If we lift ourselves up, we’ll be brought down. But if we can keep ourselves secondary to others, serving others and remaining behind others, we will eventually be lifted up.

Verses 15-17 discuss having a child-like faith. Parents with young children can see their innocence. When we teach them about God, they are excited! They want to repeat to everyone that Jesus loves them and that God created the fish, the ocean, the sunrise, and the birds. Children soak up all that Jesus has to offer them.

The rich young ruler and his possessions are presented in verses 18-30. Many of us might not think we would fit into the “wealth” category, but there’s no dollar figure attached to this verse. I have wealth, and you have wealth. It’s about the posture of our heart. Are we willing to even ASK God what He wants us to give? Are we willing to trust God? “What is impossible with man is possible with God.”

The last section, verses 35-43, shows instant praise from the blind man. We easily get caught up in our busy lives and do not even acknowledge God’s answer to our requests.

Prayer Prompts:

  • Ask God for childlike faith
  • Ask God, “What am I not willing to give up to You?
  • Take time to praise God for hearing and answering our requests, no matter how long ago.