This passage is full of many familiar stories from the Bible. Jesus is in the middle of His ministry, and Luke describes His encounters with the people around Him, their questions, and His answers. He wants them to understand that their relationship with God is made complete only in and through Him. Not through their works or their ability to “keep the law.” He wants them and us to know how valued we are in God’s eyes, not because of our outward, possibly false, appearance, as the Pharisees of the day did, but by our pure hearts and desires for God on the inside.
Jesus is not looking for us to work tirelessly, scrambling to do as many things as possible to please Him and others, as Martha does… distracted by her many tasks. Although her intentions are worthwhile… can you imagine having Jesus Christ in the flesh visiting your home? But that is not what Jesus wants from her. Everything doesn’t have to be perfect. He wants her heart, attention, and adoration. He wants us to do what He has ordained us to do since the beginning of time and do it well. To be still, listen, and obey Him.
Life can be distracting. We have so many responsibilities: work, home, church, activities. And many of these things are SO GOOD! Many of these commitments are aimed at furthering God’s kingdom. But the purpose can get lost in the hustle and bustle.
In today’s reading, who would you be? The priest too busy to stop and help someone in need? Or is the Samaritan willing to take a break on his journey because people are more important than his “to-do” list? Martha, working so tirelessly to have everything “just so” for her visitor that she neglects to spend time with Him? Or is Mary willing to let the housekeeping and food preparation slide to focus her time and attention on her Lord? The Pharisee focuses on making sure others see him as holy on the outside while neglecting his character inside. Or a Christ-follower who humbly acknowledges his depravity and seeks, first and foremost, the kingdom of God?
Prayer Prompts:
- Reevaluate your life to ensure you take time to sit with God
- As Him what areas need to change
- Reprioritize your life to sit at His feet every day